I live in Leipzig, Germany and work as a Senior Frontend Engineer at Spreadshirt. In my day-to-day work I mostly use AngularJS and React to build rich single page web apps. But I´m also interested in other frameworks and tools like Electron.
Before working on frontend stuff I used to code a lot of C# for both the web and the desktop, but I have discovered that my passion and focus is with highly interactive user interfaces. I want to make great ideas become reality, with obsessive attention to detail.
When not working on code I like to travel the world. Its a joy to explore the many great places out there!
Senior Frontend Engineer @ sprd.net AG
Frontend Engineer @ sprd.net AG
Software Architect @ COMPAREX AG
M.Sc. Network Computing @ TU Bergakademie Freiberg
Send me an email if you would like me to code for you or save your neighborhood!